Monday, November 30, 2009

The Press Is Interested in "Free James Titus"

Greetings Freedom Fighters:

On October 31, 2009, I sent a press release similar to this one to several media outlets, including the Star-Ledger, Express-Times, Daily Record and New Jersey Herald newspapers; History, Smithsonian and American Heritage Magazine: New Jersey Monthly Magazine; and, several radio stations, too.

Almost immediately, I got a call back from Joyce Estey of WRNJ Radio, who said the press release was the most interesting thing she had gotten in the mail in a long time. I did a five minute interview with her on the spot. You can hear that interview on the Free James Titus Myspace Music Player. If you have a myspace page, it would be awesome if you could add it to your player for a while. This issue really needs to get some attention. Governor Corzine is only going to be Governor for a little while longer. It is the right time for him to be considering pardons. Gov. Christie is a "law and order" guy, and a conservative. That's not a bad thing, but I feel that he doesn' t have much incentive to pardon James Titus right away.

Anyway, last Wednesday, I got a call from Todd Petty, a reporter for the weekly county newspaper called The Warren Reporter. He was very enthusiastic about it, too. I could tell by the way he wished me good luck at the end of the interview. If we succeed at this, it will be very exciting, so I don't blame him one bit.

I have sent updated press releases out to many other outlets, and I will continue to do many things to draw attention to the Free James Titus Movement, but I need your help. It seems so simple and obvious that anyone with the power to do so would pardon James Titus if he or she would just look at the evidence, but as you know, these things can get very complicated.

Please write and call the Governor. Please do it multiple times. Especially now. Tell your friends. Bring it up at an Amnesty International meeting. Bring it up in your history class if you're taking one. It's very important.

I will keep posting updates here. I know that people are interested in this. We need more than interest, though. We need more than speeches and outrage. We need action. We need a pardon for James Titus. It's simple. There is more guilt involved in buying a Big Mac at McDonald's than there is in pardoning his 123 year old murder conviction.

Thank you everyone who has helped so far. As long as I live, I will not give up the fight to free James Titus.

Have a blessed holiday season.

Warm Regards,

Erik B. Anderson
Independence Township, New Jersey
Established 1782

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